Contact us

We are here to help Please contact our customer service team for any enquiries.
Opening hours (ACDT)
Opening hours (NZDT)
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm
Saturday 8:30am - 12:30pm
Monday - Friday 11:00am - 7:30pm
Saturday 11:00am - 3:00pm
Australia free call 1800 005 220
New Zealand local call 09 965 5155
New Zealand local call 09 965 5155
Australia free call 1800 005 220
Address 105 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton SA 5033 Australia
Connect with us

Enquiry Form

Please submit your enquiry below. Our customer service team will respond within 1-2 business days.

Full Name*






Appliance Type*

Model No. / Version No.

How can we help you?*

Please supply as much information as possible so that we can offer you the best advice and support.
For further information, please visit